1D IMPACT - this is the one day change in price of the equity, measured as the change between the closing price the day of the event (4pm EST) and the closing price the day before (if the event occurred before 4pm). If the event happened after 4pm, the 1D impact measures the change in price of the equity between the closing prices on the day of the event and the day after. This the the event's impact. 

Having this statistic enables you to forecast how a new event may affect the share price. To do this, you'll need to look at similar events with similar types of companies. You can also look at the AVG 1D Return.

Other Metrics to Know

AVG 1D Return - This metric takes the average of all the individual event impacts. It's like looking at the average temperature for a month. It won't tell you one day was 110 degrees, but it gives an idea of how events tend to impact the stocks. 

When you filter the events using the filters on the left (as shown above), this statistic will update, giving you insights into how a company's attributes affect the event's impact on a stock.

Today's Change - This refers to the intraday price movement (930am-4pm) and does not include premarket or aftermarket price moves.

WIN RATE - the percentage of events whose 1 day stock prices changes moved in the expected direction of the scenario. For bullish scenarios, the expected direction is positive. For bearish scenarios, the expected direction is negative. A 85% win rate means across all the events over the period of time selected, 85% of the events traded as expected.

Why isn't it 100%?

Some days, the market is just plain bad. There can be major global events that affect the trading that day. And companies can report mixed news, with some positive events and some negative.  

One more Thing...it's important to note the size of the event matters. Seriously. A large buyback will affect the stock more than a small one. The same is true for a dividend increase. Keep this in mind while trading and looking for events that are significant or out of the ordinary.

For example, a 2% dividend increase is a snoozer. But a 25% dividend increase is impressive, especially if the dividend is already substantial. Taking a dividend from a penny a share to two pennies isn't going to get any investor's blood pumping.

Join LevelFields now to be the first to know about events that affect stock prices and uncover unique investment opportunities. Choose from events, view price reactions, and set event alerts with our AI-powered platform. 

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