1D IMPACT - this is the one day change in price of the equity, measured as the change between the closing price the day of the event (4pm EST) and the closing price the day before (if the event occurred before 4pm). If the event happened after 4pm, the 1D impact measures the change in price of the equity between the closing prices on the day of the event and the day after. This the the event's impact. 

Having this statistic enables you to forecast how a new event may affect the share price. To do this, you'll need to look at similar events with similar types of companies. You can also look at the AVG 1D Return.

Other Metrics to Know

AVG 1D Return - This metric takes the average of all the individual event impacts. It's like looking at the average temperature for a month. It won't tell you one day was 110 degrees, but it gives an idea of how events tend to impact the stocks. 

When you filter the events using the filters on the left (as shown above), this statistic will update, giving you insights into how a company's attributes affect the event's impact on a stock.

WIN RATE - the percentage of events whose 1 day stock prices changes moved in the expected direction of the scenario. For bullish scenarios, the expected direction is positive. For bearish scenarios, the expected direction is negative. A 85% win rate means across all the events over the period of time selected, 85% of the events traded as expected.

Why isn't it 100%?

Some days, the market is just plain bad. There can be major global events that affect the trading that day. And companies can report mixed news, with some positive events and some negative.  

One more Thing...it's important to note the size of the event matters. Seriously. A large buyback will affect the stock more than a small one. The same is true for a dividend increase. Keep this in mind while trading and looking for events that are significant or out of the ordinary.

For example, a 2% dividend increase is a snoozer. But a 25% dividend increase is impressive, especially if the dividend is already substantial. Taking a dividend from a penny a share to two pennies isn't going to get any investor's blood pumping.




Purpose: This section displays summary statistics for all scenarios available for your membership level and how trading events from the scenarios compare to the returns of the S&P 500.


  • Compare scenarios to one another

  • View the performance of each scenario without the use of filters

  • Turn alerts on and off for each scenario

Filter by:

All Events - Shows all the available events.

Most Events - Shows the scenarios with the most events.

Bearish - Shows all the scenarios that contain events that typically cause affected stock prices to fall 

Bullish - Shows all the scenarios that contain events that typically cause affected stock prices to rise 

Win Rate - Shows scenarios with the highest win rate, defined as the percent of the time the events within the scenario cause stock prices to change as expected (bearish or bullish). 

Time Period:

3M - Shows the event scenarios in a 3-month period.

6M - Shows the event scenarios in a 6-month period.

1Y - Shows the event scenarios in a 1-year period.

Scenario (Bar Graph) - Shows the scenario return by percentage over the period of time selected. This is the cumulative 1-day price change of all the events in the scenario measured by the closing price before the event to the closing price after the event.

SPY (Bar Graph) - Shows the S&P 500 ETF return by percentage over the period of time selected.

View Events - Shows the events in a more detailed display.

CUMULATIVE RETURN - The sum of each event's 1-day price change over the period of time selected.

SIGNAL - Shows whether the event scenario is Bullish (positive) or Bearish (negative).

EVENTS - Shows the number of events under the selected scenario.

WIN RATE - The percentage of events where a stock's price moves in the expected direction (up or down).

AVG 1D RETURN - The difference between the closing price before the event vs the closing price after the event on the next trading day, expressed as a percent change. 

Alerts: use the toggle switch on each Scenario Card to turn the alert on/off for each scenario. When the alert is turned on, you will receive an email notification each time a new event occurs that meets the criteria of the scenario.


Purpose: This section shows frequency statistics about each scenario.


  • View the win rate for each scenario

  • See the performance of the scenario

  • View the events in the scenario


  • EVENT IMPACT - The impact of the event on the stock price. This is the same as the 1D Impact.

  • AVERAGE RETURN: the average price change of all events within one scenario

  • EVENT DATE - The date the event took place.

  • SPY CHG - The percentage that the S&P 500 Index ETF changed over the last trading day, close to close.

  • CUMULATIVE IMPACT: the sum of all the individual event impacts over the time period selected


Purpose: The table view displays all of the events in a scenario. It allows you to view how a stock’s price moved over the days, weeks, and months after the event. 


  • View how a stock’s price changed after an event over multiple days

  • See the average stock price change over long periods of time

  • Filter the events to group similar companies and see how their stock prices changed over time

  • Change the date range to view all the events within that date range


  • DATE - The date the event occurred

  • DAY 1 IMPACT - The impact of the event on the stock price over 1 trading day, measured from the closing price before the event to the closing price after the event 

  • DAY 2 ONLY - The impact of the event on the stock price on the second trading day after the event 

  • DAY 3 ONLY - The impact of the event on the stock price on the 3rd trading day after the event. 

  • DAY 4 ONLY - The impact of the event on the stock price on the 4th trading day after the event. 

  • MONTH 1 - The cumulative impact of the event on the stock price over 1 trading month following the event where a trading month refers to 22 days where the market is open from the event date. 

  • 1 Week Cumulative - The impact of the event on the stock price over 1 trading week. 

  • 2 Weeks Cumulative - The impact of the event on the stock price over 2 trading weeks after the event, from the closing date prior to the event. 

  • 3 Weeks Cumulative - The impact of the event on the stock price over 3 trading weeks after the event, from the closing date prior to the event.  

  • 1 Month Cumulative - The impact of the event on the stock price over 1 trading month after the event, from the closing date prior to the event, where a trading month refers to 22 days where the market is open from the event date

  • 3 Months Cumulative - The impact of the event on the stock price over 3 trading months after the event, from the closing date prior to the event. 


  • Reset - Removes all the existing filters made.

  • 3M - Sets the period of time to 3 months.

  • 6M - Sets the period of time to 6 months.

  • 1Y - Sets the period of time to 1 year.

  • 3Y - Sets the period of time to 3 years.

  • 5Y - Sets the period of time to 5 years.

  • Calendar - Specifically sets your preferred period of time.

SECTOR - A sector is an area of the economy in which businesses share the same or related business activity, product, or service.


Shows the total value of a publicly traded company's outstanding common shares owned by stockholders.

  • MICRO - Filters all the companies that have a value of less than USD 250 million in shares of stock.

  • SMALL - Filters all the companies that have a value of more than USD 250 million and less than USD 1 billion in shares of stock.

  • MED - Filters all the companies that have a value of more than USD 1 billion and less than USD 10 billion in shares of stock.

  • LARGE - Filters all the companies that have a value of more than USD 10 billion.


Shows the event impact period.

  • 1D - Allows filtering of the events shown based on the past day.

  • 7D - Allows filtering the events shown based on the past 7 days.

  • 30D - Allows filtering of the events shown based on the past 30 days.


The P/E for a stock is computed by dividing the price of the stock by the company's annual earnings per share.

  • LOW - Shows companies that have a 0 to 16 P/E ratio.

  • MED - Shows companies that have a 16.1 to 30 P/E ratio.

  • HIGH - Shows companies that have greater than a 30.1 P/E ratio.


The price-to-sales ratio (P/S ratio) is a valuation ratio that analyzes the market value that investors put on the company’s total revenue. The formula of the P/S ratio is the price per share divided by revenue per share. 

  • LOW - Shows companies with a P/S of 0 to 2

  • MED - Shows companies with a P/S of 2.1 to 4 

  • HIGH - Shows companies with a P/S of more than 4.1 


Allows filtering of companies by current stock price within a range of prices.


The company’s annual or quarterly revenue growth depends on data availability.

  • LOW - Shows companies that have negative to 9% revenue growth.

  • MED - Shows companies that have 9.1% to 20% revenue growth.

  • HIGH - Shows companies that have greater than 20% revenue growth.


Earnings per share (EPS) is a measure of a company's profitability, calculated by dividing quarterly or annual income (minus dividends) by the number of outstanding stock shares. EPS growth is the change between the EPS year to year, measured here by calendar years.

  • LOW - Shows companies that have negative to 9% growth 

  • MED - Shows companies that have 9.1% to 40% growth 

  • HIGH - Shows companies that have more than 40% growth 


Profit margin is a measure of profitability. It is calculated by subtracting all business costs from the revenue and then dividing the remaining value by the revenue. 

  • LOW - Shows the companies that have a negative to 5% profit margin

  • MED - Shows the companies that have a 5.1% to 16% profit margin

  • HIGH - Shows the companies that have greater than 16% profit margin


Is the degree of variation of a trading price series over time, usually measured by the standard deviation of logarithmic returns. A beta greater than 1 indicates a stock's price swings more wildly (i.e., more volatile) than the overall market. A beta of less than 1 indicates that a stock's price is less volatile than the overall market.

  • LOW - Shows the companies that have 0 to .8 Beta.

  • MID - Shows the companies that have .81 to 1.3 Beta.

  • HIGH - Shows the companies that have greater than 1.3 Beta.


The average amount of stock traded in a day is measured over a 20-day period.

  • LOW - Shows the companies that have less than 60,000 shares traded in a day.

  • MED - Shows the companies that have 60,000 to 600,000 shares traded in a day.

  • HIGH - Shows the companies that have greater than 600,000 shares traded in a day.


Shows the company’s enterprise value to the company’s net earnings.

  • LOW - Shows the companies that have less than 10 in company’s-total-value to company’s-net-earnings ratio.

  • MED - Shows the companies that have 10 to 16 in company’s-total-value to company’s-net-earnings ratio.

  • HIGH - Shows the companies that have greater than 16 in company’s-total-value to company’s-net-earnings ratio.


Filters companies’ payment to its shareholders - expressed as an annual dollar amount.


Shows all the companies’ cash in their bank account as of the last annual report.


Shows the size of the event, expressed as a metric associated with the event type. 


Allows the user to filter the events based on the preferred industry.


Allows filtering the events based on the preferred sub-industry, defined as a more specific type of industry.


Allows filtering the events based on the preferred theme. A theme may be composed of companies from multiple sectors and industries.


Purpose: The Latest Events section lists every event from the scenarios. It provides a way for users to see all events or focus on types of events, sectors, and companies by using filters. By default, the time range for this section is 3 months.


  • Clicking on a filter will filter the events displayed by the filter selected

  • Clicking on a column header will sort the information by the header. Click twice reverses the sorting method.

  • Infinite scrolling is enabled. As you scroll down the application, more events will appear. Please note that sorting all events will only work once the bottom of the infinite scroll is reached


  • Reset - Removes all the existing filters made.

  • 3M - Sets the period of time to 3 months.

  • 6M - Sets the period of time to 6 months.

  • 1Y - Sets the period of time to 1 year.

  • 3Y - Sets the period of time to 3 years.

  • 5Y - Sets the period of time to 5 years.

  • Calendar - Specifically sets your preferred period of time.

  • SECTOR - Allows filtering the events based on the preferred sector.

  • SCENARIO - Filters all the companies based on the selected scenario.

  • WATCHLIST - Allows filtering by the selected watchlist.


Shows the total value of a publicly traded company's outstanding common shares owned by stockholders as measured by share price X outstanding shares.

  • MICRO - Filters all the companies that have a value of less than USD 250 million.

  • SMALL - Filters all the companies that have a value of more than USD 250 million and less than USD 1 billion.

  • MED - Filters all the companies that have a value of more than USD 1 billion and less than USD 10 billion.

  • LARGE - Filters all the companies that have a value of more than USD 10 billion.


Shows the event impact period.

  • 1D - sets the event impact period to 1 day (close to close). Default setting.

  • 7D - sets the event impact period to 7 days (close to close)

  • 30D - sets the event impact period to 30 days (close to close)


The P/E for a stock is computed by dividing the price of the stock by the company's annual earnings per share.

  • LOW - Shows companies that have a .01 to 16 P/E ratio.

  • MED - Shows companies that have a 16.1 to 30 P/E ratio.

  • HIGH - Shows companies that have greater than a 30.1 P/E ratio.


The price-to-sales ratio (P/S ratio) is a valuation ratio that analyzes the market value that investors put on the company’s total revenue. The formula of the P/S ratio is the price per share divided by sales per share. 

  • LOW - Shows companies with P/S USD 0 to USD 2 

  • MED - Shows companies with P/S of  USD 2.1 to USD 4 

  • HIGH - Shows companies with P/S of more than USD 4.1 


Allows filtering companies that are within the set stock price.


The company’s quarterly revenue growth.

  • LOW - Shows companies that have negative to 9% of revenue growth 

  • MED - Shows companies that have 9.1% to 20% of revenue growth 

  • HIGH - Shows companies that have greater than 20% of revenue growth 


Earnings per share (EPS) is a measure of a company's profitability, calculated by dividing quarterly or annual income (minus dividends) by the number of outstanding stock shares. EPS growth is the change between the EPS year to year, measured here by calendar years.

  • LOW - Shows companies that have negative to 9% growth of profit to every stock quarterly.

  • MED - Shows companies that have 9.1% to 40% growth of profit to every stock quarterly.

  • HIGH - Shows companies that have more than 40% growth of profit to every stock quarterly.


Profit margin is a measure of profitability. It is calculated by subtracting all business costs from the revenue and then dividing the remaining value by the revenue. 

  • LOW - Shows the companies that have negative to 5% profit

  • MED - Shows the companies that have 5.1% to 16% profit

  • HIGH - Shows the companies that have greater than 16% profit


The degree of variation of a trading price series over time, usually measured by the standard deviation of logarithmic returns and compared against the S&P 500 index. A beta greater than 1 indicates a stock's price swings more wildly (i.e., more volatile) than the overall market. A beta of less than 1 indicates that a stock's price is less volatile than the overall market.

  • LOW - Shows the companies that have 0 to .8 Beta.

  • MID - Shows the companies that have .81 to 1.3 Beta.

  • HIGH - Shows the companies that have greater than 1.3 Beta.


The average amount of a stock’s shares traded in a day.

  • LOW - Shows the companies that have less than 60,000 shares traded in a day.

  • MED - Shows the companies that have 60,000 to 600,000 shares traded in a day.

  • HIGH - Shows the companies that have greater than 600,000 shares traded in a day.

Table Columns:

  • SCENARIO - Shows the scenario that contains event types

  • TODAY’S CHG - Shows the difference between the opening price and the most recent same-day price for the most recent active trading day. If the market is closed, the metric displays the previous trading day’s intraday price change (open to close) 

  • DATE - Shows the date of the event

  • PRICE - This shows the company’s current stock price.

  • 1D IMPACT - Shows the impact that the event has on the company, in percentage, from the last closing price before the event to the next closing price after the event

  • 52WK RANGE - Shows the company’s lowest (L) and highest (H) stock price in 52 weeks.

  • SIGNAL - Shows if the company’s current stock movement is Bearish (negative) or Bullish (positive).


Alerts allow you to get notified through email once there is a new event. The page shows all your saved customized or filtered alerts. 

Alerts signed up for via the Scenarios page are not displayed here.

DASHBOARD > My Watchlist

Watchlist allows a member to group all the companies they intend to monitor. The page shows all the watchlists created. You can create multiple watchlists.

To track companies in a watchlist, click the button “create watchlist” to create a new watchlist. Once the watchlist is created, you can add stocks to it by visiting the stock’s profile page and clicking “add to watchlist” or by clicking the ADD STOCK button on the page.

Once you’ve added stocks to your watchlist, you can select the metrics you want to be displayed inside your watchlist by selecting them from the COLUMNS box on the left side of the application. 

To save your settings, select SAVE VIEW.


  • Avg Volume - The 30D average amount of times a stock is traded.

  • Beta - The metric measures the expected move in stock relative to movements in the overall market. 

    • A beta greater than 1.0 suggests that the stock is more volatile than the broader market (S&P 50 index).

    • A beta less than 1.0 indicates a stock with lower volatility.

  • Cash On Hand - The amount of cash the company has in its balance sheet as noted in the latest annual report.

  • Day High - Shows the highest day price the stock has been.

  • Day Low - Shows the lowest day price the stock has been.

  • Earning Announcement - Shows the company’s next earnings release date.

  • EPS - Shows the company’s net profit divided by the number of shares it has issued.

  • Industry - Shows which industry the company belongs to.

  • Market Cap - Shows the total value of a publicly traded company's outstanding common shares owned by stockholders.

  • Netprof Margin - Shows how much of each dollar collected by a company as revenue translates into profit, in percentage.

  • Open Price - The price at which the first trade opens for the day.

  • P/E - Price to Earnings ratio. Shows the share-price to earnings-per-share ratio.

  • P/S - Price to sales ratios. The stock price vs the revenue per share.

  • Post Date - The date the current stock information has been released.

  • Previous Close - The stock’s final price from the previous trading day.

  • Price - The stock’s current price.

  • Price Change - The difference in the price of stock between the other day’s closing price and the previous day’s closing price, in percentage.

  • Range 52 Wks - Shows the company’s lowest (L) and highest (H) stock price in 52 weeks.

  • Revenue - The total amount of income generated by the company.

  • Revenue Growth - The company’s quarterly or annual revenue growth, measured year over year.

  • Sector - A sector is an area of the economy in which businesses share the same or related business activity, product, or service.

  • Volume - The amount of shares of stock traded in a day.


Purpose: Shows news about the companies in your Watchlist.


  • COMPANY - Shows the company that is affected by the news. 

  • SOURCE NAME - The news source.

  • EVENT DATE - The date the event took place.


OVERVIEW - Shows the basic information of the company.

TODAY’S PRICE - Shows the company’s current stock price in USD and how much it was affected by the event, in percentage.

SPY - Shows how much the S&P 500 ETF price changed in percentage on the day of the event

EVENT IMPACT - Shows how much the event impacted the stock’s price in percentage and actual price.

SECTOR - A sector is an area of the economy in which businesses share the same or related business activity, product, or service. 

INDUSTRY - Shows what industry the company is in.

SUBINDUSTRY - Shows what subindustry the company is in.

THEMES - Shows what theme/themes the company is in.

(Time Period) MONTHS RETURN - Shows the company’s return on investment in percentage based on the set period of time.

MARKET CAP - Shows the total value of a publicly traded company's outstanding common shares owned by stockholders.

NEXT EARNINGS DATE - Shows the company’s next announcement of profitability.

QUARTERLY REVENUE - Shows the company’s earnings in the previous quarter.

REVENUE GROWTH - The company’s quarterly revenue growth.

EPS - Shows the company’s net profit divided by the number of common shares it has.

EPS GROWTH - Shows how much the company’s EPS moved from the previous quarter.

P/E RATIO - the ratio of the company’s current share price relative to its per-share earnings.

EV/EBITDA - Shows the company’s total-value to net-earnings ratio.

DIVIDEND - Shows the company’s payment to its shareholders.

LATEST EVENTS - Shows the recent events affecting the company’s stock price.

1D IMPACT - Shows how the event impacted the company in one trading day, from closing price to closing price

SIGNAL - Shows if the event’s typical impact on share prices is normally Bearish or Bullish.

LATEST NEWS - Shows the news and the news source that mentioned the company.

COMPANY BIO - A short but detailed description of the company.

KPIs - Shows a set of quantifiable measurements used to gauge the company's overall long-term performance.

EARNINGS - Shows the EPS by reporting period

ALL EVENTS - Shows all the events pertaining to scenarios captured by LevelFields

PEER EVENTS - Shows the impact of events affecting a company’s peers/competitors

ALL NEWS - Shows all the news that contributed to the event that affected the company.


> Mid-Cap Cash Cows

  • Shows companies that currently have stable cash flows.

INDUSTRY - Shows what industry the company is in.

MARKETCAP - Shows the total value of a publicly traded company's outstanding common shares owned by stockholders.

CASH ON HAND - The amount of cash the company has in its bank account as of the last known report.

FREE CASH FLOW - The cash that a company generates after accounting for cash outflows to support operations and maintain its capital assets.

FCF GROWTH - Shows how much the company changed its cash flow (money in and out of the company) as a percentage.

CASH FLOW REPORT DATE - The date the cash flow was reported.

  • Shows companies that have stocks that recently hit their low price for the past 52 weeks. 

Stock Exchange - Shows where the stock is listed. We currently support NYSE and NASDAQ.

MARKETCAP - Shows the company’s worth as determined by the stock market.

AVERAGE PRICE 52 WEEKS - Shows the company’s average stock price in 52 weeks.

PRICE RANGE - Shows the lowest (L) and the highest (H) the price has been.

FREE CASH FLOW - The cash that a company generates after accounting for cash outflows to support operations and maintain its capital assets.

FCF GROWTH - Shows how much the company changed in earnings per share, in percentage.

CASH FLOW REPORT DATE - The date the cash flow was reported.

  • Shows companies that have stocks that recently hit their high price for the past 52 weeks. 

Stock Exchange - Shows where the stock is listed. 

MARKETCAP - Shows the company’s worth as determined by the stock market.

AVERAGE PRICE 52 WEEKS - Shows the company’s average stock price in 52 weeks.

PRICE RANGE - Shows the lowest (L) and the highest (H) the price has been.

FREE CASH FLOW - The cash that a company generates after accounting for cash 

outflows to support operations and maintain its capital assets.

FCF GROWTH - Shows how much the company changed in earnings per share, in percentage.

CASH FLOW REPORT DATE - The date the cash flow was reported.

  • Shows companies that have stocks with the greatest price changes in the past day.

MARKETCAP - Shows the company’s worth as determined by the stock market.

1D CHG% - Shows the company’s change in stock price from the recent closing price report and the closing price from 1 trading day.

FREE CASH FLOW - The cash that a company generates after accounting for cash outflows to support operations and maintain its capital assets.

FCF GROWTH - Shows how much the company changed its cash flow as a percentage.

CASH FLOW REPORT DATE - The date the cash flow was reported.

  • Shows companies that pay a lot in taxes which can be affected significantly if corporate tax rates increase. 

INDUSTRY - Shows what industry the company is in.

MARKETCAP - Shows the company’s worth as determined by the stock market.

TAX EXPENSE - Shows the total amount of taxes paid by the company to a taxing authority

P/E - Shows the share-price to earnings-per-share ratio.

REPORTED ON - Shows the date the data was released.

  • Shows ETFs performance by sector over various time periods to gauge how different sectors are performing and identify sector rotations

MARKETCAP - Shows the ETF’S worth as determined by the stock market.

STOCK PRICE - Shows the ETF’S current stock price.

PRICE CHANGE - The difference in the price of stock between the other day’s closing price and the previous day’s closing price, in percentage.

1D CHG% - Shows the ETF’S change in stock price from the recent closing price and the closing price after 1 trading day.

7D CHG% - Shows the ETF’S change in stock price from the recent closing price and the closing price after 7 trading days.

30D CHG% - Shows the ETF’S change in stock price from the recent closing price report and the closing price from 30 trading days.

60D CHG% - Shows the ETF’S change in stock price from the recent closing price report and the closing price from 60 trading days.

90D CHG% - Shows the ETF’S change in stock price from the recent closing price report and the closing price after 90 trading days.

  • Shows companies with prospects and pricing pressure that may negatively be affected by the high volume of put options placed against them by institutions. The higher the number of organizations with puts, the less favorable the company may be perceived. Of note: organizations with large positions often buy puts to protect the downside moves.

INDUSTRY - Shows what industry the company is in.

MARKETCAP - Shows the company’s worth as determined by the stock market.

INST. PUT HOLDERS - Shows the organizations that hold option puts, which are bets the company price will fall

REVENUE - The total amount of income generated by the company.

PUT UNITS - The total amount the company has in put options.

REPORTED ON - Shows the date the data was released.

  • Shows companies with high prices relative to sales revenue. When inflation rises because the value of future cash flows deteriorates, these companies may perform weaker, be prone to high volatility, and are likely candidates for being shorted and oversold.

INDUSTRY - Shows what industry the company is in.

MARKETCAP - Shows the company’s worth as determined by the stock market.

PRICE TO SALES RATIO - Shows how much investors are willing to pay per dollar of sales for a stock.

P/E - Shows the share-price to earnings-per-share ratio.

REPORTED DATE - Shows the date the data was released.

  • Shows small-cap companies with recent trading volume that increased significantly compared to their average trading volume.

INDUSTRY - Shows what industry the company is in.

MARKETCAP - Shows the company’s worth as determined by the stock market.

VOLUME - The amount of stocks traded in a day.

AVERAGE VOLUME - The average amount of all the stocks traded.

CHANGE % - Shows how much the company’s trading volume changed, in percentage.

REPORTED ON - Shows the date the data was released.



  • Shows companies that move or influence money with technologies


  • Shows companies that promote gigs or side jobs.


  • Shows companies that focus on agriculture.


  • Shows companies that focus on getting government contracts.


  • Shows companies that specialize in the robotics and AI industry.


  • Shows Chinese-based companies.


  • Shows companies that incorporate interest rates in the service/product they offer.


  • Shows companies that focus on being environmentally safe.


  • Shows companies that focus their products/service on travel needs.


ADVANCED VIEW - Shows detailed data from each company in a table format.

(Country) - Shows which country the company is from.

REVENUE GROWTH - Shows the company’s annual revenue growth.

REPORTED ON - Shows the date the data was reported.

EPS - Shows the company’s net profit divided by the number of common shares it has.

P/E - Shows the share-price to earnings-per-share ratio.

REVENUE - The total amount of income generated by the company.

BETA - The concept that measures the expected move in a stock relative to movements in the overall market. 

  • A beta greater than 1.0 suggests that the stock is more volatile than the broader market.

  • A beta less than 1.0 indicates a stock with lower volatility.

PROFIT MARGIN - Shows the company’s revenue-to-cost ratio.

P/S - The amount (USD) that the company requires to produce USD 1 of revenue.


(Stock Exchange) - Shows where the stock is listed. We currently support NYSE and NASDAQ.

DIVIDEND (Dividend) - Shows the company’s next payment date to its shareholders and the dividend amount per share.

Earnings Results - Shows the company’s next earnings announcement date and the estimated earnings, based on analyst targets

IPO - Shows the upcoming IPOs and the expected range of price in which you can place your bid.

SPLIT (Split) - Shows upcoming stock splits and the ratio of split set by the company. 1 to 3 means the company is offering 3 shares to every 1. 3 to 1 means the company is engaging in a reverse split, offering 1 share for every 3. 

Issue Date - The set date for the event.

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