The Table View inside each scenario is designed to show how events may affect share prices for periods longer than 1 day. 

In the Table View, stocks affected by a certain event type - those within a specific scenario - are listed. Their price movements following the event are calculated and displayed next to the stock tickers. The display of data shows how the stock prices moved after an event occurred.

It's important to note a few things about the Table View:

  1. Many events can impact the share price. We often use the Day 1 calculation because it is the easiest to correlate to the share price movements without having to account for other confounding events. When using longer time periods, other factors may be impacting the share prices day to day.

  2. The Table View is designed to show how stocks typically react following a major event. Some events are not life altering events for a company, others are. A Bankruptcy filing for example, is a life-changing event for a company. An activist investor can be a major, longer term event as the activists constantly try to change the company. A CEO departure can be a major change for a company. But for other events like a stock buyback, the impact might be short lived.

  3. On the bottom of the Table View, you can see the average price impacts for that period of time - 1 trading day after the event, the 2nd trading day after the event, the 3rd trading day, and then cumulative periods of time (1 week, 4 weeks, 1 month, etc). Traders use this information to create alternative strategies such as shorting the stock the day after a big price move, or determining the expiration date on an options contract. 

By using the filters, you can alter these numbers. Different types of companies may react differently to events.

For example, a tech company issuing a buyback may not get the same favorable reaction as an energy company as tech companies are expected to use their excess cash to grow faster, not to reward shareholders.